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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


It’s No Joke… He has risen!

It is both a ridiculous and an incredible thought that Jesus rose from the dead… resurrected on the third day after having died from an excruciating torture and execution.  I assume you are like me in that you have not ever seen someone resurrect from death three days after dying.  I have read about people being resuscitated after apparently dying, but never…

Easter: It’s No Joke… Because it is True!

Let me list a bucket full of things that you might consider when thinking through the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection… because without the resurrection Christianity has no legs to stand on. In fact, the apostle Paul told us that if what we believe is not actually true we should be the most pitied and despised people on earth for having propagated a…


A religious exercise or a time for transforming and preparing your heart? Yesterday, much of the Christian world began a season that is referred to as Lent.  It is the 40 days that precede Easter Sunday (not counting Sundays during that period) and are purposed to encourage Christians to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The word, Lent, is…

Days of Implications

This week, known as the Passion Week, will be celebrated and observed by billions of people around the world.  It is culminated on Sunday with Resurrection Day… the day Jesus rose from the dead.  There will be thousands upon thousands of reenactments of the scene of a stone being rolled away from a tomb that is empty, except for the grave clothes…

Easter Artwork

Using the gifts that God gave us is an amazing feeling. We were created with certain skills and abilities that are unique to us. Some people are incredible musicians, some people have the amazing gift of service, some have the ability to cultivate life in a garden, some can organize a room like nobody’s business, some are fabulously athletic, the list goes on…

Easter 2016

Easter 2016 is a brand new deal.  It is not like last year… this is totally new and different!  On the other hand, Easter 2016 is just the same as it has always been.  It is a exactly like it was last year… it is a repeat of the last 2000 years.  Both of these thoughts are true.  Easter 2016 recognizes and…

The Re-establishment of Balance

Easter can be seen through all sorts of lenses. Life itself has a variety of places where we stand and observe the unfolding of what it means to be human. I think we probably all stand at some intersections of life where we wonder what in the world is happening around us. There seems to be so much chaos, confusion and conflict.…

The Passion Week

In the history of the Christian church, this coming week is known as The Passion Week, or The Holy Week. It begins with what we call Palm Sunday (or what was at times known as Passion Sunday) and ends with Easter Sunday.This particular week took on more and more institutional focus over the twenty centuries since they occurred. Sometimes this increased attention…

Passion Week Video

In this 2 minute video, Kevin helps to tie together the events happening between Palm Sunday and Easter… otherwise known as Passion Week. Parents with children in Quest Kids were provided with daily Easter Eggs filled with symbols and Bible passages. These symbols and meanings will be tied into Easter’s message. We hope to see you there so we can celebrate together!