Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


When Does a Boy Become a Man?

“When does a boy become a man?” is a question that our society usually has a hard time finding an answer for.  Many times, our culture seems to either ignore the question or has found the answer so impossible that we just move on without doing the hard work of finding an answer that is substantial enough to hold up the the rigors…

The Most Full Time of the Year

The most Wonder[FUL]… The most Peace[FUL]… …and now The most Hope[FUL]… To all of these, we say “really?” Are you kidding? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Have you read the news lately? Have you watched the news? Have you listened to the radio? Have you talked with your neighbors? Have you talked with your kids? With all of…

All sorts of things going on…

Life is a full slate of things happening to us, around us, in us and through us.  There is seldom a dull moment!!  For me this has been a very busy season of the year. Christmas blew through like a blustery winter wind, I traveled to Colorado to see some valued friends going through some profoundly difficult times, I attended the EFCA…

Knowing God’s Will

Our current situation of considering whether God would have us engage the possibility of a building requires that we ask the fundamental question, “God, what is your will?” The following article will be helpful as you wrestle with how we can know His desire for us individually and as a church.    –Kevin How Can I Know God’s Will? By: Daniel Darling (Original…