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'bible' Tagged Posts

The Golden Milestone

‘Milestones’….markers along a route helping the traveler measure their progress and direction. Since Roman times ‘milestones’ have played a role in almost every road project in the western world. In the Roman Empire there was a ‘golden milestone’ in the center of Rome, from which every other milestone was measured. This ‘golden milestone’ was seen as the beginning, that starting point of…

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing is the Main Thing We Have to Do

Any organization, company or even church can easily become a complicated set of words, processes, structures and programs. The crazy thing is that the organization, company, or church doesn’t have to be very big to become to complex to be effective and profoundly unclear as to what it is all about. Therefore, keeping in mind what is at the heart of the…

Passion Week Video

In this 2 minute video, Kevin helps to tie together the events happening between Palm Sunday and Easter… otherwise known as Passion Week. Parents with children in Quest Kids were provided with daily Easter Eggs filled with symbols and Bible passages. These symbols and meanings will be tied into Easter’s message. We hope to see you there so we can celebrate together!