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'God' Tagged Posts

The $10 Challenge

About a month ago, Kevin gave the opportunity for people to pick up a $10 bill to use in some way in September. You were asked to pray about and thoughtfully consider how God might have you use the money. It’s not a ton of money, but enough to make a small difference in the life of someone in the community. Did…

The Baby Bottle Drive is Thriving!

Over $870,000 and still counting! Throughout the metro area ministries, churches and friends of Thrive (over the last several weeks) had Baby Bottle Blast drives to support the Thrive ministry. The collaborative effort of all was also followed up with a celebration at the annual Thrive dinner this last week. It was a great example of the body of Christ coming together…

Annual Meeting Celebration

10 AM this Sunday morning will be our 1st Annual Congregational Business Meeting / Celebration.  For two reasons, this meeting may be a little different than many or most of the church business meetings you have been to before. First, we actually don’t have a ton of ‘business’ to accomplish.  Our Constitution outlines six specific things that the congregation has authority over…

When The Rains Come

It has been quite a week with all the rain, hail, fog and winds! Diane’s budding garden took a thrashing! It’s hard to tell if it will recover very well. However, the next few days promise to be rain free and sunny. That will be awesome! Then on Sunday, When The Rains Come again, we will risk renewed challenges of keeping the…

The Re-establishment of Balance

Easter can be seen through all sorts of lenses. Life itself has a variety of places where we stand and observe the unfolding of what it means to be human. I think we probably all stand at some intersections of life where we wonder what in the world is happening around us. There seems to be so much chaos, confusion and conflict.…

The Need for Connection

We are told that God is all-sufficient for the needs in our lives, and that is totally true… on one level. He is all-sufficient and totally reliable. Nothing in this world is perfect except for Him. When our lives are pushed to the edge, we can find Him to be all that we need because He is the only one that can…

We Are Official!

Congrats to all of you Questers (the unofficial title for those who make Quest their church home and family)… as of March 2nd, Quest has been received into the Evangelical Free Church of America by delegates at the annual conference in Des Moines from the churches throughout the Central District. We officially join hundreds of other Free churches in the district, and nearly…

From the Elders…

Over the past several months, I have been watching the workmen build a new house nearby.  The lot was purchased last summer and for a long time nothing happened, but we had heard that plans were being developed.  Then came the sound of machinery and some workers’ voices, but we still couldn’t clearly see what they were building.  In just the last three…

Reaching the 4-14 Window

In the 1980’s there was a study done that identified the most unreached people group in the world. Churches all over the world responded with teams and money. Today, a new study identifies the world’s most unreached people as children ages 4-14 and that the United States ranks number 10 of countries with the most unreached children. Some reasons for our low ranking…